Sunday, December 9, 2012

RIP Jenni Rivera

Fans across the world are mourning the tragic death of Mexican-American singer Jenni Rivera.  The Chicago Tribune reports that she perished on December 9, 2012: her private plane crashed in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

I am sending warm thoughts and prayers to her family, friends, and beloved fans alike.

I will always remember Jenni Rivera as being a free spirit.  One of the reasons why she was so popular and loved is quite simple: she was authentic to herself and shared her triumphs and challenges through her music.  She was able to match beauty and elegance with down home honesty.  This bonded her with her beloved fans and was truly refreshing.

God bless you, Jenni Rivera.  I hope the angels gave you a warm welcome home.

Creative Commons License
Banda Television by Robert O. Brown, MNA is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Sunday, December 2, 2012

La Banda Fresa - "La Loca"

One of my favorite Bandas is La Banda Fresa.  Their music really gets everyone moving.  One can really get lost in the rhythm and beat of their music.

An interesting aspect of this group is their music videos.  Their videos are hilarious and some even follow the adventures of "women."  In "La Loca" we follow the adventures of a young lady in search of herself.  The video starts with her putting make-up on and heading out on the town.  No doubt she is in search of a love.

Time after time, love eludes her:  she passes a young man in a park; she passes Superman who is rescuing a woman in distress.  However, when they find out that she is indeed a man they run away in horror.

With the advice of a friend she goes on a journey of self discovery.  This journey includes some hilarious beauty treatments in which she gets various implants, her legs waxed, and comes out a new person.

She emerges from her treatments as a new woman, refreshed and ready to take on the world.  The police discover the ladies on the hunt and drive up to them and start a chase.  In an amusing twist of fate the ladies begin chasing the police officers.

This video took us on a true adventure.  By the end of the video one feels a sense of camaraderie with this young woman.

I give kudos to the band members of La Banda Fresa for being brave enough to take on such a video.  This band was formed in 1999 in Guadalara, Jalisco, Mexico. . . .

Here are some podcast comments about this fun video.

 Creative Commons License
Banda Television by Robert O. Brown, MNA is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

A Thousand Words

Starting a Facebook page for Banda Television was an exciting experience.  I never realized, however, that the iStockphoto I used would cause a scandal.  On this photo is a picture of a handsome cowboy who I felt represented Banda Television well. My friends, family, and supporters of Banda Television felt otherwise. . . .

Within minutes of sending out the announcement of the Facebook fan page I received a telephone call.  "Who is that model?  Don't you think your photo should be there?"  These were serious questions from my mentor.  I felt myself becoming defensive. "Do other business owners use their photo to represent their businesses?" I asked.

Her feelings were echoed by others as well.  One friend even told me that she would not "like" the page until she saw my photo up there. 

I must admit that I had some anxiety about it: there is the fear that people would not take a show highlighting music of Mexico seriously if they knew it was headed by an African American.  I also never wanted to be one of those big headed business owners with their photos plastered over everything.

This anxiety was overcome by the wonderful feedback of my social network, and the overwhelming sentiment that authenticity is important.  They know and feel my passion for Banda music and wanted to be sure I was there.  I must admit, it did feel great that everyone wanted my photo there.  We'll see how creative I will get. . . .

Monday, November 26, 2012

What to Eat

I never realized that Banda music would open my eyes to a new cuisine and restaurant experiences.  After an evening of dancing my friends and I would go to a local taco truck. Click here for the Podcast. . . .

My first adventure to a taco truck was an interesting experience.  We all loaded into a friend's car and headed to International Boulevard, in Oakland, CA.  We passed several trucks along International Boulevard, however, we kept driving until we arrived at the Guadalajara Taco Truck.

The name of "International Boulevard" could not be more fitting.  Scores of people of all nationalities were lined up, waiting for delicious food.

The number of people shocked me, due to the fact that I previously did not know such trucks existed. On board the truck was a team of people, taking orders, slicing meat, cooking. . . .   It was very exciting.

My choice of food was tacos:  four carne asada tacos.  These tacos are made with steak, onion, cilantro, and a bevy of other favors.   These hearty tacos are to die for, and the perfect ending to a fun evening of dancing to Banda music.

You can choose from several types of tacos: steak, chicken, pork, tongue. . . .  They also have burritos that are huge.  On the side you will receive peppers, carrots, sliced radish, and onions - simply heaven.

After our order came, we simply stood around the truck and savored the delights of our meal.  I was engrossed in my meal, however, intermittent moments of excitement would take over:  loud music being played in cars as they drove by, cars doing doughnuts in the middle of the road, and laughter in the air. . . .

I would suggest bringing a jacket.  Oakland nights are cool, and the fact that our shirts were drenched in sweat from dancing did not help out.

The taco trucks may not be for the faint of heart, but if you give it a try, I am certain you will enjoy every moment.

Thank you Banda music for leading me to a new adventure. . . .

Monday, October 22, 2012

Like Banda Television on Facebook

We all know the importance, as well as the power of social media sites.  Banda Television is on Facebook, and we would love for you to become a part of our Facebook family. 

It is our wish that Facebook will help us accomplish the following: allow for viewer feedback; allow for a space to submit videos; news and current events; shout outs. . . .  The list could go on and on. 

Please visit and "like" us.  Don't forget to spread the word.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

When I started a fan page at Facebook I received some interesting feedback.  Some friends told me that I should place my photo, not the iStock photo of a cowboy.  This is an interesting point, as I want the fan page to be authentic, a well as inviting to the visitor.

It does make sense that I would submit my photo, as I am the founder of Banda Television. . . .  I thought using the photo of a model would be "professional" as well as acceptable, however, I learned quickly that this is not the case.  One friend even went as far to say that she would not "like" the Banda Television page until she saw my photo on there.

What do you think?  Should I place my photo as the main photo for the Banda Television page on Facebook.  Please visit to give me your opinion.  Don't forget to like us when you get there.

Monday, October 8, 2012

I visited my niece, Jesselyn Aubrey Guerrero this weekend.  I was there with her on the day she was born (Here is some video).  I wonder if she will enjoy Banda as much as her uncle?  I will certainly make sure that happens.